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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Destiny Rescue in Chiang Rai

We had a God-connection at the grocery store when we were buying ingredients for pizza- Jon ran into a guy named Sonny who was trying to find yoghurt. Turns out Sonny is the Kiwi Jack Bauer and is currently in Thailand doing some crazy work to rescue girls from the sex trade.
We met the next day to talk about his work with an Australian organization called Destiny Rescue: a ministry that does preventative work, rescuing, rehabilitation, and skill-training work with exploited girls around the world. To make a long story short, we were able to do a last minute visit to Destiny Rescue offices and visit a Production home,where the rescued girls are given well-paid jobs in sewing and jewelry making so that they can begin to heal and build a life completely free of the bonds of prostitution.
We had a great interview with a couple of the staff of Destiny Rescue, and learned a lot about the vision and strategies of the organization-- and got a lot of good footage that you will see in our final video we make about our trip!
A project Destiny Rescue is working on right now is called the 26 Second Challenge. Did you know that every 26 seconds one more child is sold into the sex trade for the first time? That's completely outrageous and disgusting, and so Destiny Rescue is doing something about it. Check out to find out how you can get involved in a simple, concrete way that will help make a difference and change that stat from 26 seconds to something much larger!!! It's actually a pretty incredible project, and we think it would be awesome if it began to spread within the United States.

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