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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back in Bangkok!

An interesting thing about Thai culture...
It seems that everyone we meet has an amazing plan for what our day should look like. I can't tell you how many times a day, as Jon, Jenny, and I (Kirsten, obviously) are innocently trying to... get to the grocery store, for example, someone will stop us, ask us where we're going, pull out a map, and start telling us to go to this tourist information place to buy tickets to some resort or that  market to buy such-and-such. In searching for a reasonable explanation for this behaviour, we have stumbled across two semi-viable possibilities: either Thai people have soundly stereotyped all tourists and are thus simply doing us a favour, or else the three of us have managed to walk around Bangkok with such distinctly discombobulated looks on our faces that not even the most detached of passer-bys could misinterpret it and walk away without lending a hand. As a team, we are now honing our "intelligent" look. We will keep you updated on the success of our endeavors.