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Monday, August 2, 2010

Chiang Rai

Hello everyone!
I don't have a lot of time for an update, because we're on our way to the store to buy ingredients to cook an American meal for our hosts: pizza and brownies with icecream for desert!! Sounds simple enough, but, as we've learned, things are rarely "simple" when away from home. So we're looking forward to finding out what twists and turns are awaiting us there.

As a quick summary, we are now in Chiang Rai in Nothern Thailand. We're visiting a ministry called New Generation, which works with the Akha people group (a small ethnic minority that live in Thailand and its bordering countries).  Our friend, Art, runs a home for teenage Akha boys who are studyng in the city, away from their home villages. It's been an incredible experience, and I look forward to being able to fill you all in on what we learned while here! For now, though, if you're interested in hearing more about this ministry, go to

On a more personal note, our team has been greatly blessed here. The hospitality of our hosts is incredible, the food and lodging free and delicious, the weather only mildly uncomfortable, and our unity and companionship as a team is just a lot of fun and very encouraging. We have been praying for our health, and God has certainly been protecting us! So far the most we can complain of is various rashes... which we have dubbed "the pestilence". :) God gave our team Psalm 91 while we were travelling. We take it as His promise to continue to protect and watch over us both physically and spiritually as we journey.

Thank you for your prayers! Please keep lifting us up... and watch our video blogs on youtube (get the link on the previous blog posting).

Love and peace to you all!


  1. Hey, my name is Heather Colletto, and I am a part of an organization here in Chiang Rai that is working on preventing child prostitution in Thailand through education. I would love to meet with you guys and hear about your work and share with you about the work we're doing here. Check out and feel free to contact me at
