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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lessons and Thoughts from Chiang Rai

The past week has been a whirlwind of new places and new ideas. My team and I (Kirsten) are now in Phnom Penh, staying at a beautiful hostel and taking the day to recuperate a little. With a little extra time, I am going to try to condense some of our recent thoughts so that hopefully you all can benefit from what we've been learning and discussing as well.

Everybody's got a water buffalo... yes, it's true!

Phnom Penh. Craziness from start to finish.
It began with a beautiful train ride from Bangkok to the border town- we arrived at the station at 5 am by faith that there was a train was leaving at 6 (we had seen it somewhere on the internet, but had NO idea when the blog was written and if it was still correct).