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Monday, July 26, 2010

The time is ticking...

Just thought I (Kirsten) should throw in a little update, since it's been awhile! Basically, Jenny and I are leaving SUPER early on Wednesday morning for a loooong trip: we leave 6 am on Wednesday morning and arrive at 11 pm on Thursday night. I don't even have the energy to calculate how many actual hours of travel time that is... all I know is that our bodies are going to be so messed up by the time we get there. And we are going to have a GREAT time. :)

The last couple of days have been a flurry of last minute preparations, curiously interspersed with hours of just trying to pass time. We've been planning this for so long, I feel that I'm completely ready to walk out the door: My backpack is packed and waiting. This leads to me spending hours doing mindless things like hanging out with amazing friends (and watching too many episodes of The Bachelorette... but we won't talk about that). At the same time, I keep remembering all these little details that need to happen before the big day, so that keeps me busy in between my mindless hours.

Jon is already in Thailand, checking out our future stomping grounds for us. He is proving to be a very useful source of insider information (he's already located all the luxury buses and decided which Thai foods are the best). He'll meet us at the airport on Thursday night and then the Great Adventure begins!

So hold on tight. :)

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